Creogallery offers all sizes of Art Gallery businesses the opportunity to manage all their shop displayed pieces and a whole lot more online. For you this means an increase in your exposure to a world market of art. The great news is that you don't need to pay a high price to utilise existing software to take advantage of this exposure.
By utilising a easy to use back-end control panel you can add, remove & edit pieces to and from your website. Pieces are separated by artist and type of work and prices/availability/description etc can be added as standard. You can also add keywords allowing our powerful search engine to seek out the right pieces when a website visitor searches though your works.
The creogallery files utilise our creoportal technology and we can build our files around your existing website or indeed start from scratch. The creogallery system automatically resizes images for display purposes giving a neat uniformed feel to your site making for pleasant browsing experience by visitors and hopefully potential buyers!
Because our control panel is so easy to use no programming skills are required just basic knowledge of using a computer and the Internet. We can bespoke access levels allowing you to delegate differing tasks to different users.
We can also add additional modules that maybe unique to your business such as international currencies etc. This product is combined with our web design abilities and each site is different, naturally, due to your own corporate image.
We can also tailor your website to talk to other sites that use the xml (RSS) feed system to collect data about your properties for sale to display on their sites.
For more details and a demonstration please
View 'LAC' a customers Creogallery site. This partiular model allows artists to log in and have an element of control over their work.