
"I wanted a simple but effective custom-designed site to show my existing and potential clients the full range of IT and Computer services we can offer. Out of the original 17 companies I had looking at my basic specification, I shortlisted down and finally chose Creospace. In Northern Ireland we are well known for straight-talking and I wanted a site which made no effort at pretence, simply relaying my message to others in a concise and understandable fashion. I wanted to convey a professional no-nonsense approach and Creospace got to the essence of this immediately, designing a site which I am truly amazed at considering the budgetary constraints I placed upon them. I particularly remember Gary of Creospace telling me halfway through my selection process to go with my 'gut feeling' and I am pleased to say I did - and as usual it never let me down".

Mark Anderson www.ComspecComputers.co.uk

Credit to Gary at creospace.co.uk and his team for helping me out (and putting up with me). I am sure you will agree it looks pretty good plus I got a load of extra functionality I was not expecting on the back end chucked in for nowt.

Anyone who can put up with my barrage of one sentence emails is a Saint.

Russell Piper - www.chesterpost.com

'I just wanted to say I'm now the proud owner of a software package that does what I want it to do!!

Thanks to Creospace, one of my new years resolutions (to be more organised) is coming true.

I'd never have thought of getting a personalised system built before as I didn't know it could be done for companies on a budget such as ours. I'd really recommend you chat to Creospace if you need a CRM programme of any sort - amongst other things, mine reminds me when enquirers haven't responded, paid deposits, confirmed numbers, etc. It also reminds me when to send quotes, invoices, thank you letters, etc The different menu prices and service levels come up automatically on the invoices and there's no more cutting and pasting between different systems! It's brilliant! Oh, and it shows me when to stop taking bookings for a particular date as we're full.

Excellent Gary - cheers! I'll carry on playing with it tonight and tomorrow and let you know if it's completely fool proof! '

Buffets to suit

After some years and in particular now on completion of our latest project (our members area) I thought it was high time for me to put pen to paper to express our gratitude to you.

It has now been over 3 years that Creospace has effectively been our IT department, from your initial work with us on our web sites, to the design, build and implementation of our bespoke database, your expertise, experience and professionalism has proved to be invaluable resource to us as a organisation.

Many thanks to you personally and Creospace for your help to date, we look forward to a continuing our working relationship with you in the years ahead, and our next project!.

Kevin Marsh
The National Trade Register

I cant complain at the service levels! you have been great and so helpful with everything! and very understanding of my position etc!

Richard Swaffield
Fantasy Twenty 20.com

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