


Web Design Solutions -Introduction

Whether you are a large or small company advertising solely in the yellow pages is no longer an option. The general public now uses the Internet to search for the products and services they require.

For example: In 1998 it is said that 14% of companies had a presence on the Internet, in 2001 this grew to over 45%! This figure will continue to grow over the coming years.

This is now clear evidence of the immense value of having information about products and services readily available via the Internet.

More and more companies are now doing this via their own web site. Web sites are easy to set up, but as often is the case DIY web sites can portray a similar impression of your business to your potential customers.

Remember; Your web site is open 24 hours a day to answer questions about your products and services, even when your business is closed at night or weekends. Compare this to your usual means of advertising and the cost of reaching a limited number of potential customers.

Here at Creospace we can author you an individual web site to boldly show your Business on the Internet. Your web site is as important as any corporate literature you may offer to your clients. We understand this importance and can organise every element of your web space construction down to the finest detail.