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Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Get to Know Your Target Audience

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Realising who your target audience is hugely important if your blog is to be successful.

Ask yourself who you want to read your blog posts – are they customers, local businesses etc?

Writing blogs with an audience in mind helps to refine your writing and reach out to them. If you are simply writing to attract anyone who finds your blog in a search engine, it could simply be a stab in the dark and may prove unsuccessful.

What do your audience want? What do they need?
If you’re writing a blog, it should be about giving them something. Are you skilled in a certain area that you can help them with? If they’re coming to you for advice, then they aren’t quite as skilled as you, so your knowledge can offer them a reason to keep coming back.

Writing Manner
If you are writing a technical blog, are you offering professional details and ‘how to’s’ or are you open to injecting humour into your blog? You should decide this based on your audience – they may not appreciate the humour or you might prefer to write in a more formal way because that’s what your readers want.

Length of Post
What will your readers like? A difficult one because people like both long and short posts, some posts of around 200 words could be punchy and offer just a couple of bits of information to keep your readers reading. Don’t leave it too static, change the length of your posts every so often and after posting a few, check how successful each one is.

Who ever is reading your blog make sure you keep paragraphs short so that people will read them and not skim the post.

Invite reader engagement
At the end of the post don’t forget to Invite comments from readers. most readers have opinions but often they wont leave them unless prompted to do so.

So as above, if you have a comment about this post please do leave it below.

Blogging to your target audience

Monday, November 1st, 2010

Blogs are written to target a specific audience, so its only right that we cover how to blog successfully. Bloggers want to attract traffic and to receive comments so your writing should be of interest to a certain type of person ( your target audience ).

Make it regular – blogs should look active so by writing pieces regularly, your followers will return to see new posts and in turn will start to add comments to your pieces.

To Read or to Skim
Some readers will read a whole post so keep it short, don’t be scared to use bullets and headers, and for those that only have time to skim the text add ‘action’ words that get noticed.

Blogging is an interactive project, something that lets your readers get involved so let them leave comments and ask you questions and respond quickly. You can use widgets ( add-ons ) that can let you do this, and by using one that lets readers message each other adds value and interest.

Home Page
Use your home page as an inlet to the rest of your blog. Use eye catching headers with images that attract your readers, let them read the first sentence or two. If they’re into the header and the taster sentence they’ll click through to read the rest of it, give them the option to read it or not – the text isn’t in your readers face and they have the choice to click through to the piece they ‘need’ to read.

Things to Avoid
Avoid being over opinionated – people don’t want to be told how to think. Talk with your audience and get their opinions too.

Don’t fill the post with too much information, instead spread your info out into a couple of posts. Give little pieces of good strong info and add value to it by asking for comments or opinions.

Try not to fill a page with blatant key words, search engines favour blogs which are relevant and active so focus on interesting pieces and add pages to the blog regularly.

An introduction to Blogging PT1

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

bloggingThere are tons of reasons that blogging is taken up by business owners, and there are just as many blogging subjects as there are reasons to do it. Traditionally, online communities were built to bring people together, so each community would usually feature a different subject, such examples might be talking small business strategies or coming together to discuss interests in finance.

The first weblog was penned around 1994 and the shorter version of the word ‘blog’ was later used as the technology improved. Later, it was able to support basic images and now design firms build blogs into websites of owners that want to move on or expand the business from their basic shop or info site to something much bigger.

Blogs get people involved.
Online discussion groups absolutely thrive nowadays; you could find a blog about any kind of subject or interest, so just how does blogging affect your business? We wrote this to bring you some info and to clear up some grey areas concerned with blogging.

So, not everyone likes the idea. Blogging is often seen as a fairly informal way to build online communities, to create an interest with like minded people. It’s also a way to announce to people exactly what might be going on within your business, how it is progressing and expanding perhaps.

How does it work?
A blog uses a simple user interface so that anyone can easily update it. You can add and amend articles and format them as you please with rich text functionality so you can bold and underline text. Adding images is easy too.

What’s really exciting and important about blogs is that they are open for comment which can keep a blog looking lively and up to date. This means you as the blog owner can engage with those who leave comments. You remain in control as you can edit and delete the comments as appropriate.

In the next part we’ll look at what to blog about in more detail giving you some ideas.

The Language of Liking – Facebook Pages

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

ilikeThere’s been a major change on Facebook this week. Well actually it’s quite minor but the shift it represents is quite major.

If you’re not aware then brands and personalities can set up something called a page on Facebook and then people can become ‘fans’ by simply clicking a button to confirm they are a fan. The action is simple but what is the behaviour behind the action when someone says ‘yes I’m a fan’?

Become a fan of

Behaviour of becoming a fan
Are you a fan of something or someone? How long did it take you to become a fan? How much do you have to like something to become a fan of it? On a scale how far up it do you need to be to really really like it so much you’re willing to say ‘yes I’m a fan’?

Becoming a fan requires you to decide how much you like something not the fact you simply like it.

You see becoming a fan of something takes time. It requires you to decide how much you like something not the fact you simply like it. Generally speaking it’s not an overnight thing that happens much like ‘falling in love’. You know when you’re a fan but what are you up till that point? You’re wither a fan or a nothing, you’re in or you’re out!

The problem is it puts up an unseen barrier to people making a connection with the things they feel they have a connection to but are not willing to call themselves a fan. In this world of connections and ownership we all like to belong to something and connect with it and own it so a barrier to doing this is bad.

The barriers are up! So what’s changed?
This week Facebook have changed the word ‘fan‘ to ‘like‘ and this changes everything. No longer does someone have to wait to decide if they are a fan or not they simply need to say ‘hey yeah I like this’. They might of only seen, tried, tasted, visited or whatever once and they can say they like it. This is a very subtle change but a genius one!

It’s so much easier for someone to say they like something than to say they are a fan of it. There’s no real scale any more, you either like it or you don’t, it needs a much lower trip over level for someone to know if they like it or not and be willing to click that button and digitally say ‘I like’.

How is this good for page owners?
People, in a word! You see the name of the game for page owners is to get people to commit and connect to them so that they can interact with them and ultimately build there brand profile much more easily.

Being a fan was a barrier and with people only needing to process whether they like something or not we should see many many more people acknowledging their likes and so brands have a bigger connected audience.

What are your thoughts on this? We love to interact with our readers so please leave a comment.

Have you got any social equity?

Monday, April 19th, 2010

socialmediasWhat is social equity and and why do I need it?

Well Social Equity (closely linked to brand equity) covers many different things but in this article it’s the value of your online reputation as dictated by your followers, readers and fans etc. That is to say do people like you, trust you and generally think you have credibility?

This value of your equity ie your worth increases or decreases based on the on-line engagement between yourself and others on various social media outlets. It’s not very tangible but it’s evident quickly if you have positive or negative social equity and ultimately this moves to the off-line world, maybe in the form of a business transaction.

How do I work out my equity value?

If you look at the diagram below you can easily see how different aspects of engagement determine your equity value.

social equity scale

Now there’s no definitive scale or points system and there’s no website to sign up to to get your equity value score although I no doubt someone will try! This diagram is theoretical at best but I know that when people know, like and trust you then things happen. My suggestion is that everyone starts at 0 if you’re unknown and it’s up to you which way you travel, up or down the scale.

How do I travel up the scale?

You will be part of a community that is your followers, fans, readers and those that come across you. You maybe part of multiple communities which is where it gets a little complicated so I’ll come back to that later. Within your community you have to build trust and credibility – kudos is the name of the game.

This is done in a number of ways and if you’re already actively involved in social media you’ll of read a number of articles saying how you need to be real, authentic, transparent, trustworthy, engaging, helpful etc (if you haven’t read anything then you need to be all those).

Also if you want to be seen as the guru in your chosen field then you also need to be seen as knowledgeable, the person who should be asked and of course you must respond to and answer those questions that are posed to you.

Is it a numbers game? If I have lots of readers or followers I’m doing good right?
Well not necessarily. There’s no real direct correlation between your social equity and the number of followers or readers. For example you might have a 1000 readers of your blog but they might not trust you.

How will I go down the scale?
Posting one way salesy marketing messages about your business is a good start. Not responding to any comments, tweets or messages aimed at you. Posting inconsistently, infrequently and without any substance will also send it plummeting. And of course as in life if you’re being a general douche bag that wont help.

Can I survive an equity fall out?
A tricky one. It really depends on what happened but people are people and some will forgive and some wont. Most people like to hear the word sorry as it’s the hardest word to say. That out of the way you must then rebuild what you’ve lost or indeed never had following the advice in this article.

We love to engage with our readers so please do leave a comment.